Thanks for your group’s interest in volunteering!
We are very excited that you want to be a part of this year’s mission.

We will not be holding Group Registrations via the website.

Please note, we may not be able to accommodate all large group participation requests.

If your group is interested in participating in 2024, please fill out the form below, and someone from our team will contact you if we have spaces available.

  • We require a 3:1 ratio of youth to adult chaperones.
  • We require a 3:1 ratio of youth to adult chaperones.
  • Group Contact Details

    Please enter the contact details for the individual in charge of this group. We will be contacting you prior to the event to confirm the time and number in your group.
  • If there is any information that you'd like to share with us about your group, please let us know! (Example: Members of your group have a hard time standing for long periods of time.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.